This is a 'Drag and Drop' Application that changes any TeachText file dropped onto it, toggleing the file between Read / Write and Read Only. It can also change any Brand X TEXT AND PICT files to TeachText Files.
Why ?
If you write any documentation with TeachText then it would be nice to know that it will get to the User unaltered, one way is to change the File Type used by the Finder from 'TEXT' to 'ttro', this is usually done with ResEdit, but now you can do it with this Application, Holding the option key down while dragging any other TEXT or PICT file onto this application will change it's Creator type to TeachText. ('ttxt').
If you have ever save a file, as text, from MacWrite or something, then every time you double click on that text file what happens ? MacWrite launches and boom, there goes the memory space, If you change the Creator type of the file to be the same as TeachText then only tiny, little TeachText will Launch and all will be well with the world.
• Works best with System 7.0+ (using it with system 6.0+ is also possible, see below).
• ttro_Maker is a fairly safe application and tests for a TeachText File before working.
This App works by checking the Finfo record of the Target file and if the fdCreator field is 'ttxt' then it toggles the fdType between 'TEXT' and 'ttro', then it beeps, If you hold the option key down as you drag a TEXT file unto this app then it will change he fdCreator to ttxt making it a TeachText file, after this it beeps twice. If it can not it's work because of an incorrect file type, or othe error then it beeps three times, so, 1 beep Done, 2 beeps, the TEXT file has been 'converted', 3 beeps No Change.
How to use it, step by step.
To use ttro_Maker:
• Drag your file onto the ttro_Maker icon. Your file will be
feeblewhitzed and returned to it's original position.
• You may have to close and re-open the current folder to see a change.
To change the Creator Type of a TEXT or PICT file to TeachText ('ttxt'):
• Hold down the OPTION key.
• Drag your file onto the ttro_Maker icon. Your file will be
re-feeblewhitzed and returned to it's original position.
To use ttro_Maker on system 6:
• Shift-Select both ttro_Maker and the target file.
• Double- click on either Icon.
• Your file will be feeblewhitzed and returned to it's original position.
• You may have to close and re-open the current folder to see a change.